If you have tight hips, you probably know it. If you work out, your range of motion is limited and if you don’t work out, well, your range of motion is still limited. Don’t forget, the same movements we use during workouts (squats) we use in life (getting off the toilet). Hip tightness can also cause some serious discomfort and should be taken care of.
Here is one of the best stretches for tight hips. Put one leg all the way against the wall. If you can, bring your other leg out to about 90 degrees. Squeeze your glutes (butt) and push your hip towards the ground. Keep your back as straight as possible. You should feel it! If it is too intense, put your hands on the ground on either side of you front leg. BREATH. Hold each side for 1 min each, working up to 3 min each.
This should be done EVERY day!!!
Enjoy Life – Workout!