Monday, March 28, 2011

Tightness From Sitting

We all know what it’s like to sit in a car for hours and end up being super tight. When you sit for long periods of time, your hips, hamstrings and low back tighten up and cause pain. There are a few things you can do to help with this.

The day before and the morning of, make sure you stretch. We all know we should, but most of us don’t. If you are not familiar with different stretches, you can Google it or check out

While you are driving put a tennis ball (I use a racquetball) between your back and the seat. Find tight spots around your shoulder blades and put pressure on them. Hold each spot for at least 30 sec. This will prevent your shoulders from slouching forward causing back pain. You can also use the hand that isn’t holding the steering wheel to push the ball into your quads or pec muscles. Be careful doing this while driving.

Once you are home, STRETCH again. Especially hit your hips and your hamstrings. The muscles shorten when you are in the seated position, so make sure you take time to lengthen back out. If you don’t have one, you may want to invest in a foam roller. Rolling out your IT Band (see picture below) and your squads will also increase your mobility.

Enjoy life – Workout!


This picture was taken from Google Images!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

5k Tips for Beginners

This past weekend I participated in my first 5k race. Although I am a trainer, I sometimes struggle with motivation issues too. Running is where I struggle the most. I knew if I didn’t sign up for a race and tell people I was doing it, I would never do it. So, I signed up and I did it. Here are some tips for others who have a 5k as their goal.

  1. Start Training! Just start doing something. If you haven’t exercised in a long time, you can still start by walking. If you are a more dedicated runner, then start pushing yourself.
  2. Find a race and sign up! If you commit to it, you are more likely to follow through. Find a few finds to sign up too.
  3. Set an appropriate goal. If you are a beginner, then maybe your goal is to finish. If you are more advanced, set a goal that you have a chance to reach, but pushes you to train hard. You probably won’t see any 5 min miles.
  4. Vary your training intensity. Mix running (or jogging) with walking to boost your intensity. This is also called interval training and it works the same for beginning and elite athletes. Example: Run or jog as fast as you can for about 30 seconds, then walk a minute to recover and repeat another 30 second interval.
  5. Get on a strength training program. Lifting weights helps improve strength, power, muscle endurance, muscle tone and helps prevent injuries.
  6. Stretch! Stretch! Stretch! Keep those muscles nice and loose.
  7. Nutrition! Eat smaller meal throughout the day to keep your energy up. Make sure you fuel your body before and after your workouts.
  8. Have fun!

Enjoy life – Workout!


Friday, March 18, 2011

Paleo Diet Overview

I am personally trying to eat a Paleo diet. Although I am still working to find the right portions for my body, I feel better and have more energy.

If anyone is interested in participating in a 30 day Paleo challenge, let me know. Together is always better J.

The site below is a great resource for information on the Paleo Diet. Robb Wolf, a former research biochemist is one of the world’s leading experts in Paleolithic nutrition and author of The Paleo Solution – The Original Human Diet. He is also co-owner of NorCal Strength and Conditioning.

Enjoy life – Workout!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tips to Stick to Your Diet

Eating healthy is not always easy. This is something even I have struggled with. Here are my tips for sticking with a healthy diet.

  1. Don’t think you have to be perfect. Healthy eating is something that should be a way of life, not a quick fix. We all make mistakes. Those mistakes may actually help you stick with it longer. If you give yourself the occasional cheat meal, then you won’t feel like you are losing out.

  1. Prepare a weekly meal plan. Know what you are going to eat ahead of time and shop accordingly. Don’t have a lot of extra food in your kitchen.

  1. Prepare your meals ahead of time. If it is available, you are more likely to eat it. This will prevent you from needing the quick fast food meals.

  1. Start a food diary. If you have to write it down, you are more aware of your habits.

  1. Find a support group. Tell people around you that you are trying to eat healthy. They don’t have to participate, but they need to support you!

  1. Exercise! When you workout, you feel more motivated to eat healthy.

  1. Read my blog to stay motivated J

If you have questions you want answered on the blog, just ask!

Enjoy life – Workout!


Monday, March 14, 2011

Are you exercising too much?

Most people think they aren’t getting enough exercise. For most people that is true. Some people workout too much, which can also be bad. Working out is great for our health and fitness, but too much can cause problems. If we workout too much or train too hard without sufficient rest we can suffer from overtraining syndrome (OTS). Overtraining syndrome is systematic fatigue and inflammation that is characterized by a number of symptoms. If you notice the following symptoms it is time to back off on your training. If you ignore early overtraining syndrome and it becomes a severe case it could take you months to recover.

The typical signs of overtraining include:
  • Insomnia
  • Achiness or pain in the muscles and/or joints
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Elevated morning pulse
  • Sudden inability to complete workouts
  • Feeling unmotivated and lacking energy
  • Increased susceptibility to colds, sore throats and other illnesses
  • Loss in appetite
  • Decrease in performance
  • Loss of enthusiasm to workout
  • Loss of appetite

Make sure you get enough rest! Your body needs time to recover and, don't forget, you muscles will grow when you give them enough time. Doing the same workout day after day can also lead to overtraining, boredom and possible injury.
Prevent Overtraining!

  • Warm up before your workout. Proper warm-up can help prevent injuries.
  • Fuel up after exercise. Your body needs energy to recover and that comes from food. A combination of carbs, protein and fat will give your body the energy it needs.
  • Stretch.
  • Tight muscles can often cause other muscles of your body to overcompensate, which can cause injury over time.
  • Take days off. Listen to your body.
  • Get enough sleep.
 Enjoy life - Workout!


Saturday, March 12, 2011


What are the benefits of increased flexibility?

  1. Increased physical efficiency and performance.
  2. Decreased risk of injury.
  3. Increased blood supply and nutrients to joint structures.
  4. It may also contribute to improved circulation and nutrient transport, allowing greater elasticity in tissues.
  5. Increased range of motion.
  6. Improved muscular balance and postural awareness.
  7. Decreased risk of low-back pain.
  8. Reduced muscular tension. Stretching promotes muscular relaxation.
This is a great blog for mobility and flexibility.

Enjoy life - Workout!


Friday, March 11, 2011

Get outside!

It is going to be beautiful today! Mid 60s and sunny. Get outside!!!

 Here are some ideas for getting out of the gym:

- If you are at work and can’t make it home early, go for a short walk at lunch.
  You could burn around 120 calories with just a 30 min stroll.

- Walk the dog. They need exercise too.

- Play tennis You could burn close to 500 calories.

- Play outside with your kids. Don’t just sit and watch. Join in on the fun.

- Run/Walk.

- Hit up one of the fitness trails. Add in push-ups, pull-ups, bench dips, squats
  and lunges to make it a full body workout.

What ever you do, just get outside!

Enjoy life – Workout!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Schick Training Blog

Welcome to the Schick Training fitness blog.  This is the perfect place for anyone who wants to be built like a Brick Schick House. Or for anyone who wants to improve their quality of life.

My goal is not necessarily to provide you with information that you want, but rather the information you NEED to live a long healthy life.

Enjoy life – Workout!
