Thursday, May 29, 2014

Fish Oil Basics

Should you be taking a fish oil supplement?  YES!

Why should I take it?
It’s a Brain Food:
It helps optimize nerve function and mood and has been proven to help treat depression, psychosis, ADHD and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Reduces Inflammation:

It helps promotes overall joint health and mobility.  It can also help with muscle soreness post workout. It is perfect for people with rheumatoid arthritis, athletes, people who workout and people who are alive :).

Promotes Heart Health:
It helps with heart arrhythmias, triglyceride levels, blood pressure and stroke. 
How much should I take?
Every doctor will say something different. A lot of professionals will recommend 0.5 grams of omega-3 in the form of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid (EPA and DHA) per 10 pounds of body weight for healthy individuals.
I weigh 180 (it's true) and I take 4 pills (2g each) and that does seem to be the perfect amount. Other professionals will say 4g a day is enough. 
There is almost no worry for “overdosing” on fish oil. A few trips to the bathroom might tell you you are taking a bit too much oil in. Easy fix: take less. If you aren’t seeing the benefits of taking it, then take more.

I personally use Barlean's (pictured) because it is Organic, not super expensive and it is lemon flavored so my burps don't smell like fish all day. 
Not all supplements are for everyone, so make sure you check with your doctor before using anything.
Be safe!!!
Enjoy Life - Workout!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Tight Hips??

If you have tight hips, you probably know it. If you work out, your range of motion is limited and if you don’t work out, well, your range of motion is still limited. Don’t forget, the same movements we use during workouts (squats) we use in life (getting off the toilet). Hip tightness can also cause some serious discomfort and should be taken care of.
Here is one of the best stretches for tight hips. Put one leg all the way against the wall. If you can, bring your other leg out to about 90 degrees.  Squeeze your glutes (butt) and push your hip towards the ground. Keep your back as straight as possible. You should feel it! If it is too intense, put your hands on the ground on either side of you front leg. BREATH. Hold each side for 1 min each, working up to 3 min each.
This should be done EVERY day!!!
Enjoy Life – Workout!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Pre Prepared Meal

One of the best ways to stay consistent with your diet is to prep your food ahead of time. This is one of the easiest lunch options and can easily be Zoned.

1) I start with a pound of ground beef (16 blocks).

2) Then I take a yellow squash and a pepper and chop them up (2 blocks). I cook them in olive oil (2 blocks) until soft.

3) Once the veggies and meat or done, I combine them and add 15 black olives (3 blocks) and 1 ½ cup of Herdez salsa (3 blocks).

Here is my Zone break down.
Protein = 16 blocks, but I am rounding to 15 since everything else is a multiple of 5.
Carbs = 5 (pepper, squash and salsa)
Fat = 5 (olive oil and olives)

Since my meals are 3 blocks, I am dividing by 5 so each Protein is 3 blocks. So my total blocks equal
Protein = 3
Carbs = 1
Fats = 1

When I sit down to eat I will add and apple (2 blocks) and 6 almonds (2 blocks) to give me a total of 3 blocks for all three.

Note: You can use any veggies you want. Sometimes I add onion or even and extra pepper or zucchini. I buy what looks fresh at the store. You can also add more olives to get a higher fat count.
You can use this recipe even if you don’t follow the Zone Diet. It is easy and tasty. 

Enjoy Life - Workout!


Monday, May 5, 2014

Mandy's Protein Shake

This is the shake I eat almost daily!

1 cup of milk (Lactaid brand because I am lactose intolerant)
1 cup of Pro 7 (chocolate) from Nutrishop
1 cup of kale. At Hy-Vee you can buy a bag of Juicer Kale. Pre washed and chopped
1 - 1.5 cups of fresh strawberries. Sometimes I used frozen fruit.

Add ice if you want it thicker!

Just a few notes:
1. If you are trying to lose weight, limit your fruit to 2 servings a day.
2. Milk and protein powder are not Paleo, but they add value to your diet.
3. Find what works for you. This is just easy and tasty for me!

Enjoy Life - Workout!