Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mandy's warm-up

Here is my warm-up. Depending on my workout for the day, I may do more. For example, if I am doing heavy squats, I will add more squats and lower body movements. I also might add more active stretching on days I feel tight. This does not include stretching and foam rolling.

The video shows a shortened version of the warm-up, but below I listed the amount of reps I would normally do.

Neck Circles = 10 each direction

Arm Circles = Both, R, L front and back 10 each direction

Back Ext w/ Rotation = 10 each direction

Air Squat = 25

Lunges = 15 each leg

Toy Soldiers = 15 each leg

KB Swings = 25

Walk Out Push-ups = 5

Pull-ups = 10

Double Unders = 50 (or 150 singles)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Paleo Challenge Week 1

I have completed week 1 of my Paleo Diet challenge and here is my update.

Monday = My addiction to sugar was worse than I thought. I actually felt like pulling out my hair by the end of the day. But I didn’t pull out my hair and I didn’t grab that oatmeal cream pie. I had some fruit and felt better.  Most people say the first two days are the worst.

Tuesday = I realized I can eat a lot. I just wasn’t taking enough food with me. As a side note to anyone who is trying this, you can eat much more natural foods than processed foods. They aren’t as high in calories.

Wednesday = Still not enough food.

Thursday = Still not enough food J

Friday, Saturday and Sunday = I cheated all weekend. My original goal was to have a 24 hour cheat period. Obviously that didn’t happen. I went to the movies and had some popcorn, and it was down hill from there.

This week’s goal is to make it Monday-Friday 100% Paleo and give myself the weekend to cheat. I feel like my sugar addiction is getting better, but I still anticipate some rough nights. Progress not perfection!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Two Week Paleo Challenge!

Tomorrow I start my Paleo Diet challenge. I have been dabbling in this for a few weeks, but never took the full dive. My biggest issue was not taking enough food with me for the day. When you aren’t eating processed foods, it’s surprising (in a good way) how much more food you can eat. This diet is not about portions. It is very difficult to overeat on meat, veggies and fruits. If you are up for the challenge, I invite you to join along and comment on your progress.

Two weeks is just the beginning for me. However, this will give me a good idea about how my body responds to the diet. I will be keeping an eye on my energy level, hunger level, strength, physical performance and overall mood. This is also a good diet for anyone trying to lose weight.

Below is a basic overview. For more information please read The Paleo Diet, by Dr. Loren Cordain. Or visit www.thepaleodiet.com or www.robbwolf.com.

Here are the basics


  • Meat (fish, eggs)
  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts


  • Dairy
  • Grains or Corn
  • Legumes
  • Starchy Vegetables
  • Sugar (refined)


  • Wine
  • Liquor
  • Salt
  • Artificial Sweetener