Monday, September 24, 2012

Cooling Down!!

How many of you hit a workout hard, take a lap around the gym while you catch your breath, and then jump in the car to head home?  I will admit there are times I am guilty of that. Most of us don’t want to stay at the gym any longer than we have to. But not cooling down can end up causing you more issues in the end.

Avoid Dizziness
When you exercise, the heart works at a higher rate to pump blood throughout the body. Since most exercise includes the lower body, the blood will be pumped more to the lower area. If you stop suddenly, the blood pools in the extremities causing an insufficient amount of blood to get back to the brain. This causes dizziness.

Avoid Soreness and Recover Faster
After a shorter more intense workout, your body gets full of waste products (lactic acid) and toxins. Cooling down helps circulate oxygenated blood through your muscles, helping remove the waste. This will reduce the potential for DOMS (delayed onset muscles soreness) and help you recover faster.

How to Cool Down

-          Row! The rower is a great cool down tool because it is total body. Do 10 min at a slower pace

-          Jog/Walk/Bike/Jump rope. Again, 10 min at a slower pace.

-          Stretch – hit all major muscle groups
Enjoy Life - Workout!


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