Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Home Workouts

Some people like working out at home. They have control over their schedule and they don’t have to make a special trip to get to the gym. I am going to give you a few works you can do easily from your home or office.

Step 1 – purchase a jump rope and a set of dumbbells from 5-20 lbs. depending on your ability. Make sure you get a good jump rope, not one that is an actual rope that you can barely swing around.

Step 2 – Purchase my 50 workouts you can do from home. Come on you can afford it. I just saved you $350 in a gym membership J. For $25 you can get 50 workouts. For $30 I will throw in a Brick Schick House t-shirt! I also tell you which days to workout, which days to rest and how to incorporate cardio.

Step 3 – Do the workouts at a high intensity. These are meant to be exercises that build muscle and burn fat. You won’t do that if you are taking your sweet time with them.

Step 4 – Get great results and feel good about yourself. I promise if you follow my program you WILL see results.

Here are a couple sample workouts.

1) Jump rope for 5 min as a warm-up
    As many rounds as possible in 10 min.
    5 push-ups
   10 DB push press
   15 sit-ups
   20 air squats

2) 3 rounds for time
    Run 400 meters (.25)
    15 DB Squat-Curl-Press
    15 Bench Dips                                                 
    15 Lunges (15 each leg)                                                                

Enjoy Life - Workout!


Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Weight Loss

Studies show that sprinting burns fat 9 times faster than slower cardio. This can and should be done in intervals (a sprint followed by a walk or jog).  Sprinting also raises your metabolism, which allows you to also burn fat when your body is at rest.

Aerobic Endurance
Although sprinting is an anaerobic activity, it can also be effective at improving aerobic activity. As you improve, you will be able to work at a higher intensity for a longer amount of time. This means more calories burned!

Athletic Performance
Athletes who sprint will see an increase in speed, endurance, agility and overall strength!

Sprints don’t require any equipment and can be done anywhere. So there shouldn’t be any excuses J.
Here are a few sprint workouts:

1)      100 meter sprints

10 x with 30 rest between

2)      200 meter sprints

5 x with 45 sec rest between

3)      400 meter sprints

3 x with 1:30 min rest between

4)      30 sec sprint followed by 30 sec walk repeat for 20 min

 Enjoy Life – Workout!


Friday, August 10, 2012

Are flip flops bad for your feet?

No more flip flops? L

I have to admit that I love my flippie floppies. Especially when I am on a boat.  But they are not always the best for you.
Reasons Flip Flops are bad for your feet.

1)      They don’t give you much arch support, which causes your foot to over-pronate (turn in) or to over-supinate (turn out). This can cause pain in the heel, arch, balls of the feet and even the toes.

2)      You end up gripping your toes to keep the darn things on.  Making your feet work that hard can cause soreness.

3)      No ankle support, which means you are more likely to sprain your ankle.

4)      It can cause hip and low back pain. Normally people with flip flops shorten their step. This isn’t good for full hip extension.  
Why you should wear flip flops.

1)      It’s hard to be in a bad mood when you are wearing flip flops J
You will have to make this very difficult decision for yourself.
Enjoy Life - Workout!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hamstring Basics

The Hamstring is made up of 3 muscles, the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and the biceps femoris.

There lots of reasons we want strong hamstrings.  For athletes it helps with acceleration, deceleration, speed, and strength. For the rest of use, it helps prevent injuries, especially in the knees.  The hamstrings help absorb stress that is placed on the knee when walking, running, or doing everyday activities.

I have talked about this before, but don’t forget to stretch those hamstrings too.   Tight hamstrings cause the hip and pelvis to rotate back, which flattens the back and causes pain. This will also have an obvious impact on your posture.
The easiest fix is to focus on stretching out your hamstrings on a regular basis. Both dynamic stretching (Yoga, walking lunges, leg swings) and static stretching (sit and reach) with improve flexibility.

Here are a few exercises to strengthen your hamstrings!!!
Ball Hamstring Culrs (more advanced) =