Tuesday, November 11, 2014

50 for 50

50 Push-ups a day!

The push-up challenge begins TOMORROW, November 12th, and the goal is to do 50 push-ups a day for 50 days. increasing the amount by 1 each day.  By 2015 you should feel stronger and ready to take on the year.
Push-ups are one of the most common and basic exercises for the human body. They increase strength in the forearms, wrists, triceps, shoulders, chest and core.
Proper Technique
Your elbows must be fully extended at the beginning and end. Your toes should be on the ground and your hips, legs and back should be straight. The chest must be close to the ground to count. Try putting a tennis ball under your chest and trying to make contact with it each time.

Tips for Beginners
-Break them up throughout the day. Don’t feel like you have to them all at once, but try to
work up to doing as many as possible in a row.

-Do them on your knees, up against the bed or against the wall if needed. If you can’t do a
“real push-up”, don’t let that stop you. Even modified push-ups will increase your strength.

-Everyday, try to increase the amount you can do without resting.
-Try to complete all of you push-ups in one time period.
-If you need a bigger challenge, time yourself.

Who is up to the challenge??

Enjoy Life - Workout!


Monday, November 10, 2014

Food Prep 101

Failing to plan is planning to fail! Fact!

Personally, the biggest challenge when trying to eat healthy is having good food ready and available when it’s time to eat. If I have healthy foods ready to go, I usually choose to eat it. When I don’t, I usually choose to eat crap!
The BEST way to ensure my success is to prep my food in advance. For me this usually takes place on Sunday. I don’t eat the same thing s every week, but here are a few easy go to foods:

Hard boiled eggs – you can eat them alone or put in a chicken/tuna salad or on a salad.
Fruit – I buy what is in season or use frozen fruit for smoothies.

Veggies – you can cut them up and put them in little baggies. Add them to salad or eat with guacamole or hummus.

Chicken breasts - again, easy added to other meals or fine by itself.

Here are some foods that you don’t have to prep, but are great to have on hand.

Avocados – a great healthy fat that can be added to a number of things
Almonds – another good healthy fat

Raw greens – I use spinach. Good for a side salad or to put in my smoothie.

Oatmeal – cheap and easy
Almond Butter – good shit!

 Tip #1 Buy what is on sale! I usually pick my meals based on what is cheap or on sale that week. For example, this week raspberries were on sale $1 per container. I think we bought about 10 of them. I froze 5 containers for my morning smoothie (pictured) and my 1 year old inhaled the rest.

For my local peeps, I always look at Lucky’s weekly deals. I try to stick to the first page of the ad which is usually fruits, veggies and meat. This is how my family picks the weekly menu.

Tip #2 Freeze Foods! If something is on sale and you don’t need it right away, buy it and freeze it. You can also make a larger amount of food and freeze the left overs. Then we you are running low on food just put it in the fridge the night before and you are ready to go.
Tip #3 Use Pinterest! You can find hundred of food prep ideas for all types of diets and meal plans.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Enjoy Life - Workout!