Thursday, December 27, 2012

100 Push-ups!

Push-ups are one of the most common and basic exercises for the human body.  They increase strength in the forearms, wrists, triceps, shoulders, chest and core.

The push-up challenge begins January 1 and the goal is to do push-ups for 100 days straight, increasing the amount by 1 each day. So, January 1st you will do 1 push-up.  January 15th you will do 15.  You will end April 10th when you will have completed 100 push-ups.

Proper Technique
Your elbows must be fully extended at the beginning and end. Your toes should be on the ground and your hips, legs and back should be straight. The chest must be close to the ground to count. Try putting a tennis ball under your chest and trying to make contact with it each time.

Tips for Beginners
           -Break them up throughout the day. Don’t feel like you have to them all at once, but try to    
             work up to doing as many as possible in a row.

            -Do them on your knees, up against the bed or against the wall if needed. If you can’t do a  
            “real push-up”, don’t let that stop you. Even modified push-ups will increase your strength.

           -Everyday, try to increase the amount you can do without resting.
           -Try to complete all of you push-ups in one time period.
           -If you need a bigger challenge, time yourself.

Who is up to the challenge??

Enjoy Life - Workout!



Thursday, December 6, 2012

Single-Leg Touchdown

Balance = communication between your mind and your muscles that allow your body to remain stable.
Balance exercises are important for people of all ages. Older adults should practice balancing to prevent falls and hopefully serious injuries. However, balance isn’t just important for the elderly.  For example, 80% of all ACL (knee) tears are “non-contact” injuries, usually occurring when landing or pivoting. Studies show the best prevention of ACL tears is balance and stability exercises.

My favorite balance exercise is the Single-Leg Touchdown (see pic). Beginners can start just reaching out an inch or two. If you are more advanced, you can touch the ground or use a dumbbell.

Click the link below to my video demonstration.

Start by doing 1-2 sets of 15 (each leg) every day!!
Tips – make sure the knee of the leg you are balancing on stays directly over your foot and doesn’t shift in or out.

Enjoy Life - Workout!