Thursday, May 8, 2014

Pre Prepared Meal

One of the best ways to stay consistent with your diet is to prep your food ahead of time. This is one of the easiest lunch options and can easily be Zoned.

1) I start with a pound of ground beef (16 blocks).

2) Then I take a yellow squash and a pepper and chop them up (2 blocks). I cook them in olive oil (2 blocks) until soft.

3) Once the veggies and meat or done, I combine them and add 15 black olives (3 blocks) and 1 ½ cup of Herdez salsa (3 blocks).

Here is my Zone break down.
Protein = 16 blocks, but I am rounding to 15 since everything else is a multiple of 5.
Carbs = 5 (pepper, squash and salsa)
Fat = 5 (olive oil and olives)

Since my meals are 3 blocks, I am dividing by 5 so each Protein is 3 blocks. So my total blocks equal
Protein = 3
Carbs = 1
Fats = 1

When I sit down to eat I will add and apple (2 blocks) and 6 almonds (2 blocks) to give me a total of 3 blocks for all three.

Note: You can use any veggies you want. Sometimes I add onion or even and extra pepper or zucchini. I buy what looks fresh at the store. You can also add more olives to get a higher fat count.
You can use this recipe even if you don’t follow the Zone Diet. It is easy and tasty. 

Enjoy Life - Workout!


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